Continuing our series of unusual uses for tea, we will focus today on how to use old tea and tea bags to clean your house, making it sparkle and shine. These cleaning purposes would be perfect after you have been refreshed by having your tea time and have some leftover tea.
So lets begin
Cleaning Wood Floors and Furniture:
To clean your wood floors and furniture, moisten a rag with a bit of strongly brewed tea ( note this will not work with tea that has sugar or honey in it) at room temperature and rub it gently into the hardwood floors and furniture. This will give your floors and furniture natural color and shine. It is recommended to use light tea on light wood and darker tea on darker wood.
Mirrors and windows:
Place a cold brewed tea in a spray bottle and use it to make mirrors and glass sparkle.
Cleaning Toilet Stains
Throw a few old tea bags in the toilet, letting them sit for about an hour, then remove and discard them. Then with a brush scrub your toilet. After you flush the tea liquid down, you will see how clean and stain free your toilet bowl is.
Add wet tea leaves to the ash in your fireplace before cleaning it out, as the moisture helps soak up the ash so it doesn’t blow around as much. I wish I knew this when I cleaned my fireplace in the spring.
Since tea leaves are highly absorbent, they can attract odor that they come in contact. This is the reason that tea leaves should be stored carefully. Nevertheless, this is also the reason that tea leaves act as a good deodorizer to get rid of stubborn odors.
Sprinkle dried or steeped tea leaves across a stinky carpet and let them sit for 20 minutes to an hour. If you used steeped tea, make sure that it is dry other wise the leaves may stain the carpet. Then vacuum as usual. If you use flavor tea such as lemon, cinnamon, mint, or chamomile, you will get a nice scent left behind.
Alight that is all for today. I hope these cleaning tips will help you as they helped me.
See you in the next post,
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