Alright keeping to your Wednesday topic of surprising uses for tea, we are now turning to how to use tea for Beauty.
I personally love each on of these, as tea is not too expensive, and if you are a tea lover you have it readily on hand.
Let’s start
Heal a bruise:
Put a wet tea bag on a bruise to heal it faster. The reason for bruises is the rupturing of capillaries, the smallest blood vessels of the body. Since, tannins, found in tea, constricts the blood vessels, it stops the leaking that causes discoloration.
Make your hair shinier
Rinse your hair with a cup of tea to give it shine, an healthy glow, and also make the hair easy to manage. Do this only if you have dark hair, as tea can temporary dye light hair.
Natural Highlights
However, if you do want some natural highlights in your hair, then rinsing your hair with tea will make you have subtle highlights, though the lighter the hair the more the highlights will show.
Cure stinky feet
Make your feet smell wonderful by soaking them in a steeped tea bath for 20 minutes everyday. using black tea will help with particularly bad foot odors. The astringency in the tea closes the sweat emitting pores that create the smell, while the tannins kills the stinky bacteria.
Facial toner
Have you ever run out of facial toner and didn’t have time to run to the store. I know I have in several occasions, and tea has come to the rescue. Just boil a cup of tea, let it cool, then put it in a bottle. Then use it as you normally use astringent. I like to use peppermint tea or green tea, but any tea will work.
Using tea as a facial
If you are like me and don’t have the money to do a facial, tea is a great substitute. I like to use green tea. Boil the tea bag in hot water. Then once it has cooled enough not to burn your face, cut open the tea bag and put the tea leaves all around your face. Don’t rub too hard and try not to get the leaves into your eye area. After letting the leaves sit on your face for about five minutes, apply yogurt on your face with the tea leaves still on. Distribute evenly, then leave on for another five to ten minutes. Then gently remove with a lukewarm washcloth. Your face should feel clean and refreshed.
I hope these tips are helpful, and will benefit you. As always see you in the next post.
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