Hello everyone!
Sorry for not posting as regularly. I have been very busy at work. However I am doing both posts today. Continuing on our series on surprising uses for tea we will be focusing on using your tea for gardening. I don’t know about you all, but I love gardening, planting things and watching things grow. I even tried to grow corn from using popcorn from a popcorn bag (un-popped of course). I was almost successful, until my younger brother over-watered it, and it died.
So on with our post, here are some tips on how to use tea to help grow those plants of yours.
If you have used, wet tea bags, they will be useful for cleaning the leaves of household plants. Since the leaves absorb the tea through their leaves, they get a nice treat as well.
Also, tea bags do wonders for your garden. They add enrichment to the soil by increasing the nitrogen leaves and also give earthworms (fertilizers) something delicious to eat. Do remember to remove the tags and any stables first as they take a long time to break down and even might be plastic coasted. If that is the case, just open the tea bag and dump the leaves in the garden or compost and discard the wrapping.
Here are some plants that really benefit from tea leaves
Give your roses a midsummer boost. Paced used or new tea leaves or bags around your rosebushes and cover them with mulch. When you water the plants, the nutrients from the tea will be released into the soil, spurring on their growth. Roses do love the tannis acid that occurs naturally in tea.
Give your ferns a scheduled tea time and other acid-loving houseplants. Try to substitute brewed tea when watering plants or work wet tea into the soil around the plants to give them a lush luxuriant look.
That’s all for this post,
As always, see you in the next post,
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