Today’s reflection will be about the blessing of Christmas.
Too often we are so busy trying to get the last minute Christmas gifts, or even working more holiday hours, that the true meaning of Christmas passes us by.
All we see and hear about are deals, bargains, last minute gifts, and longer holiday hours.
However, every once and awhile we need to be reminded and reflect the true meaning of Christmas,
and why it should be the happiest time of the year.
The first reason is that it is a time of hope,anticipation, and countless blessings.
I know for myself that I have been blessed on so many occasions at Christmas. On one particular instance I will never forget, is the first time that my dad got laid-off of work. We were on vacation at the time, and Christmas was just around the corner. I remember my mother saying that we might not have presents that year. And that is what I expected, as we have a large family. So we went about the normal preparations for Christmas, only that year expecting only a tree and a good Christmas dinner. But on Christmas Day, all of us were surprised to find so many presents under the tree. All of us were asking and wondering where the presents had come from. Then mom told us that since there had been so many people laid-off that year that churches held Christmas donations for the jobless and that is how we were able to have presents that year. I remember thinking how blessed all of us were that year.
Some of you might not have the same exact experience as I had, but I hope during this holiday season that you will look upon a time that you have been blessed and find hope and peace that this holiday season should bring and also count your blessings.
We are so blessed in more ways than we know!
Have a blessed holidays!
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