Hello again!
This is the last series of surprising tea uses. Today we will be focusing on how to use tea for art.
As a child I remember on of our art project was to make ancient looking paper with writing of any period of our interest. After we had done that, my mom boiled some tea, I believe it was raspberry, and after it cooled we dipped the paper in to the tea, soaking the paper and crinkling it, then allowing it to dry without unraveling it. The result was a very ancient looking bit of paper.
You can also paint using tea. Just brew different flavors of tea. Mint of course will be a bit green, raspberry red, and black tea, very dark. It is a fun, inexpensive way to paint, and would be especially good for younger children,
You can also dye yarn or fabric in tea for a antique look. Just boil a strong brew of tea and allow your yarn or fabric to sit overnight. Afterwards, gently rinse the tea out of the yarn and fabric and allow to dry.
Well that is all for today,
see you in the next post,
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