Hello all and welcome back to my site!
Transitioning from blogger to WordPress has been more challenging than I had thought. But now that is all behind me and I am so excited for you to be back and I have some upcoming posts series that I hope you will enjoy.
Up first is a all new post series of “Taking Tea in” which will feature how different countries take this delicious beverage.. This will also be expanded to a ebook series, so stay tuned.
Second, is that I am hopefully will be traveling to these countries in the coming years, with the first one anticipated for this summer. So that will be fun and exciting to have first hand experience.
And last, but not all, I want to know what you want me to do. Let me know in the comments what you would like me post about, any other series that I could do, or if you would like video demonstrations. I would love to know!
And as always, thanks for stopping by, and I will see you again soon!
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