Who knew that January could pass by so quickly?
Here are the teas that I am loving this January.
In the last post I shared a recipe about how ginger tea latte. This tea latte has been my all time favorite of the month. It warms you if you are cold, helps relieve the sniffles, and aids in digestion. This is the perfect tea to take in the cold, winter months.
The second tea I am enjoying is Parsley tea. This tea is great for digestion, especially after the holidays. It also helps bring on sleep, so this is a great tea if you suffer from insomnia. I like to drink it straight, but you can sweeten it with sugar and honey, and even add milk, if you do not particularly like the strong parsley taste. Just brew some hot water, put either dry or fresh parsley leaves in, and there you have it, parsley tea.
So try out these homemade teas. These would be great if you want something hot, but are running low on tea bags. Also, these teas will do wonders for you health, so try them out when you have your next tea hour.
Have a happy tea hour,
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